
MMI, dedicated to providing patients with cutting-edge open surgical treatment options, faced a unique challenge. The brand encompassed two distinct entities: MMI as the corporate brand and Symani as the product brand. While each possessed its own unique qualities, there was a pressing need to harmonize their identities to streamline user experience and enhance brand recognition.

The mission was clear: unify these disparate parts of the brand without diluting their individual essence. The goal was to create a design language that not only reflected the innovative spirit of MMI but also seamlessly integrated the product-focused identity of Symani.

To achieve this, a strategy was devised to retain the distinctive characteristics of both brands while introducing consistent design elements that would tie them together seamlessly. The emphasis was placed on simplicity and usability, ensuring that the updated brand design would resonate with both healthcare professionals and patients alike.

At the heart of the endeavor was the belief that all patients deserve access to the most advanced surgical solutions to live their fullest lives. MMI was committed to pushing the boundaries of robotic technology in open surgery, empowering surgeons to address complex conditions and restore quality of life for more patients.

Expertise: Brand / Product / Website Design

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